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From taster day to national competition

Federal apprentice competition for metalworking technicians

Mario Holzerbauer, a Winkelbauer apprentice in his 3rd year and keen footballer, scored this penalty. He impressed at the regional competition for Styrian metal technicians and secured a place at the 2023 national apprentice competition in Styria.

Mario’s interest in machining technology has been one of his great passions ever since his taster days at Winkelbauer. His brother also got him interested in this field early on. He also completed his apprenticeship at Winkelbauer. Milling and turning highly wear-resistant steel are now Mario’s daily core tasks. He masters these with great diligence and pleasure.

After successfully taking part in the Styrian metal technician apprentice competition, he has now been able to demonstrate his skills in machining technology at the national apprentice competition. This took place at the beginning of October 2023 at the provincial vocational school in Mureck. He prepared for the competition together with his apprentice representatives. In addition to the in-house intensive course, the participants are also provided with specific training units. Managing director Michael Winkelbauer shows respect for the achievements and the challenge of a competition:

“Taking part in a competition involves a great deal of courage, skill and intensive training. So it’s all the nicer when the effort is rewarded.
Winkelbauer team is very proud of Mario. The best investment in the future is the promotion of our young professionals.”

What excites Mario the most?

Apprenticeship as a machining technician

The fact that he was able to work directly on the modern milling machines from the start of his apprenticeship and was also allowed to operate them himself. Now in his final year of his apprenticeship, he is already programming work steps himself. The working hours are also appreciated, as they are perfectly compatible with his hobby, football.

“It’s great to see how the machine creates something with my specifications. You can see the result immediately, which I find very exciting in machining,” Mario says enthusiastically and laughs.



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